Friday, September 30, 2005

What I learned today... (SMTP via VB.NET, Singleton class instance)

Well, the first thing I learned was more about COM Interop. Boy, is that cool stuff for legacy applications and working with VBA!

At work we use BusinessObjects and publish reports through its Broadcast Agent, which is a tool for scheduling reports to be run and publishing to the BusinessObjects Web Intelligence ASP application. The "full client" has VBA macro capabilities supported by a complete BusinessObjects object model. With that being said, I have created a piece of macro code to automate the publishing process and email the report, either in the standard BO report form, PDF, or Excel XLS spreadsheet format. The class below is the email component. The original came from somewhere here on the web... When I find the original author, I'll update this posting.

Imports System.Web.Mail
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6

Namespace Mail
Public Class SMTP
Private mTo As String
Private mFrom As String
Private mSubject As String
Private mMessage As String
Private mAttachments As New Collection
Private mServer As String = "localhost"

Public Sub New()
' Needed for COM Interop.
' Do not remove.
' Nothing to see here, move along...
End Sub

Public Property [To]() As String
Return mTo
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mTo = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property From() As String
Return mFrom
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mFrom = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property Subject() As String
Return mSubject
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mSubject = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property Message() As String
Return mMessage
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mMessage = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property Attachments() As Collection
Return mAttachments
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Collection)
mAttachments = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property Server() As String
Return mServer
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mServer = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Sub Send()
Dim mail As New MailMessage
With mail
.From = Trim(Me.From)
.To = Trim(Me.To)
.Subject = Trim(Me.Subject)
.Body = Trim(Me.Message)
If Me.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
Dim file As String
For Each file In mAttachments
.Attachments.Add(New MailAttachment(Trim(file)))
End If
End With

SMTPMail.SmtpServer = mServer


Catch ex As Exception
Throw New System.Exception(ex.Message, CType(ex, System.Exception))
End Try
End Sub

End Class
End Namespace

Some notes about this code:
  1. Since this is a COM Interop class, a few things are needed.
    1. Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6
      : This has the classic Collections object in it. If you aren't using COM, this can easily be replaced with an ArrayList.
    2. A New method. This is the default constructor that COM needs. You can initialize any default values in here, but in this case all I needed was an empty contructor.
  2. The To property takes a comma delimited list of email addresses.
  3. The attachment collection needs to be a colelction of strings. These strings would be the file names with path.

Pretty cool, huh?

The other thing I learned was the use of Shared (VB.NET) and static (C#). I found out how to create a Singleton instance of a class and use it correctly (I think)...

Here's a VB.NET sample:
Namespace SingletonExample
Friend Class SingletonClass
Private Shared mSingletonClass As SingletonClass = Nothing

Public Shared ReadOnly Property SingletonClass() As SingletonClass
If mSingletonClass Is Nothing Then
mSingletonClass = New SingletonClass
End If

Return mSingletonClass
End Get
End Property

Shared Sub New()
' Nothing to see here, keep moving...
End Sub

Public Shared Sub Initialize()
Console.WriteLine("In SingletonExample.SingletonClass")
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace

To call this, simply use the following:

I'm not totally clear yet on how this exactly works, but I'm a lot closer and can implement this methodology in my apps.

Looks like I'm a little more learned in .NET!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Monday, June 20, 2005 - Scott Hanselman's Weblog - Using a Windows version of GNU Patch.exe with CVS and Diff Files

Scott's got a good method for submitting patches to SourceForge projects. If you work on code for a project you aren't a developer on, check this to to get your patch submitted: - Scott Hanselman's Weblog - Using a Windows version of GNU Patch.exe with CVS and Diff Files

Thanks, Scott!

Quickstart Guide To Open Source Development With CVS and SourceForge

Here's some good "rules" to follow on SourceForge. I guess I'll start using these and getting my guys on WinSnipLib.NET to use them: Quickstart Guide To Open Source Development With CVS and SourceForge

Thanks, Phil! - Scott Hanselman's Weblog - Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List

Ok, Scott's got quite an extensive list here: - Scott Hanselman's Weblog - Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List

If you need anything, it's probably here.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Update: Update: Project idea

An update on my update:

I now have all the developers in my project. Let's see how far we can go with this. I have established some ground rules and setup some standards for coding, documenting and specs of the program. Hopefully, we can all agree on things and make the overall project work well and get tings done quickly. I think we can.

I'll be away from my computer for most of the weekend since my mom is in town. That's ok since I haven't seen her since her hip surgery.

Have a great weekend all, and next week, let's go!

Thursday, June 9, 2005

Update: Project idea

Following up on my project idea, I've started a project at

It's a C# project instead of a VB.NET project as I feel I need to bump up and get my C# skills going. I have decided on calling it WnSnipLib.NET for now (anybody got any better name ideas?). I have some quick specs drawn up and four developers to start working on it. (As of now, I've only heard from two of them and have them in as developers. One has yet to respond back with his SourceForge user ID and the other I'm getting my mails returned.)

I've decied on an interface similar to Total VB SourceBook from FMS, Inc. The version I am referencing is an older version for VB 6. I would like to transform this tool into a source code repository not only for VB but also for VB.NET, C#, C++, and any other language. The data store would be any database via a plugin. The interface would not only be a standalone application, but it would be a plugin for #develop and VS.NET 2003 and 2005. The interface will also include NDoc support and a code to HTML converter.

Watch here for more! I'll even add the other authors so they can have a place to put .NET code and tips for everyone else.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Call VB.NET from a COM script

In my continuing pursuit for the ultimate new idea in programming, I learnt something new today.

At work we, rather I, am testing a new network/system monitoring tool. This one from ActiveXperts called Network Monitor 6.0 (how original, eh?) allows the use of VBScripts. Well, lo and behold, I couldn't get ADO 2.8 to work in a VBScript. So what did I do? I looked up how to get VB.NET to work through a COM call. The example I had to go by used C#, but not to worry, translating to VB.NET was a piece of cake.

So how do you do it? Make that call to a .NET object via a COM call? Simple, you use RegAsm.exe as explained in the example or you can use CLR ComReg . This tool is provided as part of Visual Studio .NET SDK as source code which adds some features left out by RegAsm. These are noted in the Read Me.

First you'll want to create your VB.NET solution as a class library. Simple enough.

Here's the entire class I created for my project here at HP (it checks the Oracle database TEMP tablespace for percent used):

Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client

Namespace OracleChecks
 Public Class OraDBChecks
  Private m_connectString As String
  Private m_dbuser As String
  Private m_dbpass As String
  Private m_dbname As String
  Public Sub New()
   ' Required for access from COM
   ' Don't do anything here...
  End Sub
  Public Sub Init(ByVal dbname As String, ByVal dbuser As String, ByVal dbpass As String)
   m_dbname = dbname
   m_dbuser = dbuser
   m_dbpass = dbpass
   m_connectString = "User ID=" & m_dbuser & ";Password=" & m_dbpass & ";Data Source=" & m_dbname
  End Sub
  Public Function CheckTempTablespace(ByVal threshold As Decimal) As Boolean
   Dim sSqlCommand As String = "SELECT decode(sum(s.blocks),NULL, 0, (sum(s.blocks)/sum(t.blocks))*100) temp_percent_used "
   sSqlCommand = sSqlCommand & "FROM SYS.v_$sort_usage s RIGHT OUTER JOIN SYS.dba_temp_files t "
   sSqlCommand = sSqlCommand & "ON s.TABLESPACE = t.tablespace_name"
   Dim drTestValue As OracleDataReader
   Dim conTestTable As OracleConnection = New OracleConnection(m_connectString)
   Dim cmdTestTable As New OracleCommand(sSqlCommand, conTestTable)
   drTestValue = cmdTestTable.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)
   Do While drTestValue.Read()
    If drTestValue.GetDecimal(0) >= threshold Then
     Return True
     Return False
    End If
  End Function
 End Class
End Namespace

COM requires a no argument constructor so that's the reason for the Public Sub New statement. You don't have to make it empty, it just can't be passed any values.

Now compile the project and register using RegAsm or ComReg. If you use ComReg and the /gac parameter to add the assembly to the GAC, you need to sign it with a strong name. This is fairly simple enough using some tools provided with the Framework SDK.

First you create a key pair using the sn.exe tool. Simply use this syntax:

sn -k <keyfilename>

For my assembly I used:

sn -k dbchecks.snk

To create the public key file, use this syntax:

sn -p <private_keyfilename>  <public_keyfilename>

For my assembly I used:

sn -p dbchecks.snk dbchecks_public.snk

In Visual Studio, all you need to do now is add the following to the AssemblyInfo.vb file, replacing the path and the key file name appropriately:

<Assembly: AssemblyKeyFileAttribute("C:\Documents and Settings\JOBA\My Documents\VISUAL STUDIO PROJECTS\DBChecks\dbchecks.snk")> 

If you are not using Visual Studio, you will need to sign your assembly using the Assembly Linker (al.exe). This one is a little more complex so I am not going to go into that here.

Now, all that is left is calling your assembly from your COM application.

Since my COM app was a VBScript, here's how I used it:

Function CheckTempTablespace(servername, dbuser, dbpass, warnThreshold)
 Dim c
 Set c = CreateObject("HP_PSGIT.OracleChecks.OraDBChecks")
 c.Init servername, dbuser, dbpass
 CheckTempTablespace = c.CheckTempTablespace(warnThreshold)   
End Function

And that's all there is. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Bit Shifting in VB.NET

Here's a good tidbit of info from Scott Hanselman: "Machine.Shift.Left and Bit Shifting in VB.NET"

Haven't used bit shifting in a long while, but this info is pretty cool and goes back to BASICs...

(Thanks, Scott for the refresher on how to use VB! And yes, VB can be a bit too high level for some intense operations. Isn't that why MS created VS Studio?)

Here's a bit of code from NNTP:

Function SafeLeftShift(ShiftThis As Integer, ShiftPlaces As Integer) As Integer
    Dim ShiftThisPrivate As Integer ' Private copy with extraneous bits unset
    Dim SignBitMask As Integer ' Mask for fixing msb

    ' Unset leftmost bits that will be discarded
    ShiftThisPrivate = ShiftThis And ((2 ^ (15 - ShiftPlaces)) - 1)

    ' Determine whether the sign bit should
    ' be set in the bit-shifted result
    If ShiftThis And (2 ^ (15 - ShiftPlaces)) Then
        SignBitMask = &H8000
    End If

    ' Do the bit shift.
    SafeLeftShift = (ShiftThisPrivate * (2 ^ ShiftPlaces)) Or SignBitMask
End Function

Thursday, May 19, 2005

db4objects version 4.5 released

db4objects, Inc. announced on 5/5/2005 that version 4.5 of their Open Source Object Database.

If you haven't at least looked at this product, you should! Among some of it's features is the ability to save data with one line of code, object oriented(!!!), embeddable(only a 350K footprint!), and multi- and cross- platform support.

Excerpt from the press release:
Additional improvements in db4o Version 4.5 include a pluggable reflector and a new generic reflector that help developers build more diverse and exciting architectures, along with a new object-oriented ObjectManager for easy browsing of database files.
db4o's pluggable reflector interface allows Java and .NET developers to write their own reflectors. Version 4.5 advances this functionality with a powerful new generic reflector further enabling tuning for distributed systems, cross-platform support, and enhanced encryption capabilities.
With the generic reflector, developers can now run a db4o server without having to deploy application classes. They can also easily access objects and values where classes or fields are no longer available as source code.
One implementation of this is the new ObjectManager, which allows developers to "look" into databases and monitor what's happening in real-time while they write applications. It can also be used by third parties to browse a database file, and/or to build ad-hoc queries for instances of a class. This helps ease the transition to OOP-thinking for developers new to OOP or ODBMS or both and boosts the benefits of OOPs such as Java and .NET.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

BusinessObjects 6.5.1 VBA macro to refresh, categorize and email reports

It's not VB.NET code, but its pretty cool. I had to use this macro to send a report to the proper user and category. After some troubleshooting with BusinessObjects support, they sent me a hotfix to patch a bug in the Broadcast Agent Publisher (Hotfix 621). After installing the hotfix and rebooting the server all is in working order.

The macro requires an SMTP DLL I found on the internet by Dean Dusenberyat

So without further ado, I present to you the source code for the VBA macro:
Option Explicit

' These lists are "|" delimited
Private Const CATEGORY_LIST As String = "Category 1"
Private Const USER_LIST As String = "USER_GROUP"

Private Const EXCHANGE_DOMAIN As String = "Document"
Private Const EXHANGE_MODE As Integer = BoExchangeMode.boRepositoryMode

Private Const PROMPT_COUNT As Integer = 0
Private Const PROMPT_1 As String = "Replace with prompt text string"

' Email address lists are semi-colon delimited
Private Const EMAIL_RECIPIENT As String = ""
Private Const EMAIL_SUBJECT_USE_REPORT_NAME As Boolean = True
Private Const EMAIL_SUBJECT As String = "TEST:BO report automation"
Private Const EMAIL_MESSAGE As String = "Please ignore this test email"
Private Const EMAIL_DOC As Boolean = False
Private Const EMAIL_PDF As Boolean = True
' These generally will not change
Private Const EMAIL_FROM As String = ""
Private Const EMAIL_FROM_DISPLAY As String = "BO Admin"

' Not used for now
'Private Const BO_REPOSITORY As String = "BO_REPOSIT"
'Private Const BO_PASSWORD As String = "PASSWORD"

' Necessary variables for emailing
' ||===============================||
' || ||
' || DO NOT MODIFY!!! ||
' || ||
' ||===============================||

Private m_emailSubject As String
Private WithEvents poSendMail As vbSendMail.clsSendMail
'Private Const CONNECTION_STRING As String = "Provider=MSDAORA;User ID=" & BO_REPOSITORY & ";Password=" & BO_PASSWORD & ";Data Source=" & BO_REPOSITORY_SERVER
'Private Const EMAIL_LIST_QUERY As String = "SELECT i.EMAILADDRESS emailaddress FROM ipuser i,(select a.actor_name actor_name, " & _
"g.group_name group_name, count(*) dummy from (select distinct " & _
"aa.M_ACTOR_C_NAME actor_name, al.M_ACTL_N_FATLINKID " & _
"actor_link_id from obj_m_actor aa,obj_m_actorlink al " & _
"WHERE aa.M_ACTOR_N_TYPE = 16 and aa.M_ACTOR_N_ID = al.M_ACTL_N_ACTORID and " & _
"aa.M_ACTOR_N_STATUS <> 0 order by 2) a, (select distinct ga.M_ACTOR_C_NAME group_name, " & _
"gl.M_ACTL_N_ID group_link_id from obj_m_actor ga," & _
"obj_m_actorlink gl WHERE ga.M_ACTOR_N_TYPE = 1 " & _
"and ga.M_ACTOR_N_ID = gl.M_ACTL_N_ACTORID order by 2) g WHERE a.actor_link_id " & _
"= g.group_link_id group by g.group_name, a.actor_name order by 2, 1) u " & _
"WHERE u.group_name = '" & USER_LIST & "' AND i.USERLOGONNAME = u.actor_name " & _

Private Sub SetPrompts(ByRef variables As busobj.variables)
Dim i As Integer

With variables
Select Case i
' |===================================|
' | Only modify this section below! |
' |===================================|
Case 1
.Item(PROMPT_1).Value = Get6MonthPreviousStartDate()
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
' |=============================|
' | Do not modify below this! |
' |=============================|
End Select
End If
End With
End Sub

Public Sub Automate()
Dim doc As New Document
Dim tempPath As String
Dim docName As String
Dim pdfName As String

Application.Interactive = False
Application.ActiveDocument.DocAgentOption.CategoryList = CATEGORY_LIST

Set doc = Application.ActiveDocument

tempPath = Application.GetInstallDirectory(boTemporaryDirectory)
docName = tempPath & doc.Name & ".rep"
pdfName = tempPath & doc.Name & ".pdf"

With doc
SetPrompts .variables


Call doc.SaveAs(docName)
docName = ""
End If

Call doc.ExportAsPDF(pdfName)
pdfName = ""
End If

m_emailSubject = doc.Name
End If

Email docName, pdfName
End If

End With

Application.Interactive = True
End Sub

Private Function Get6MonthPreviousStartDate() As String
Dim dtDate As Date
Dim nMonth As Integer
Dim nYear As Integer

nMonth = Month(Now)
nYear = Year(Now)

dtDate = CDate(CStr(nMonth) & "/1/" & CStr(nYear))

dtDate = DateAdd("m", -6, dtDate)

GetStartDate = Format(dtDate, "dd-mmm-yy")
End Function

Private Function GetPreviousFridayDate() As String
Dim nFridaySubtractor As Integer
Dim nMonth As Integer
Dim nYear As Integer
Dim nDay As Integer
Dim nWeekday As Integer

nMonth = Month(Now)
nYear = Year(Now)
nDay = Day(Now)
nWeekday = Weekday(Now)

Select Case nWeekday
Case 0
nFridaySubtractor = 1
Case 1
nFridaySubtractor = 2
Case 2
nFridaySubtractor = 3
Case 3
nFridaySubtractor = 4
Case 4
nFridaySubtractor = 5
Case 5
nFridaySubtractor = 1
Case 6
nFridaySubtractor = 0
End Select

dtDate = CDate(CStr(nMonth) & "/" & CStr(nDay - nFridaySubtractor) & "/" & CStr(nYear))

GetEndDate = Format(dtDate, "dd-mmm-yy")
End Function

Private Function GetPreviousFiscalQuarterStart(ByVal dtDate As Date) As String
Select Case GetQuarter(dtDate)
Case 1
GetPreviousFiscalQuarterStart = Format(CDate("01-Nov-" & CStr(DateAdd("yyyy", -1, Year(Now)))), "dd-mmm-yy")
Case 2
GetPreviousFiscalQuarterStart = Format(CDate("01-Feb-" & CStr(Year(Now))), "dd-mmm-yy")
Case 3
GetPreviousFiscalQuarterStart = Format(CDate("01-May-" & CStr(Year(Now))), "dd-mmm-yy")
Case 4
GetPreviousFiscalQuarterStart = Format(CDate("01-Aug-" & CStr(Year(Now))), "dd-mmm-yy")
End Select
End Function

Private Function GetPreviousFiscalQuarterEnd(ByVal dtDate As Date) As String
Select Case GetQuarter(dtDate)
Case 1
GetPreviousFiscalQuarterEnd = Format(CDate("31-Jan-" & CStr(Year(Now))), "dd-mmm-yy")
Case 2
GetPreviousFiscalQuarterEnd = Format(CDate("30-Apr-" & CStr(Year(Now))), "dd-mmm-yy")
Case 3
GetPreviousFiscalQuarterEnd = Format(CDate("31-Jul-" & CStr(Year(Now))), "dd-mmm-yy")
Case 4
GetPreviousFiscalQuarterEnd = Format(CDate("31-Oct-" & CStr(Year(Now))), "dd-mmm-yy")
End Select
End Function

Private Function GetQuarter(ByVal dtDate As Date) As Integer
Dim sDate As String

sDate = Format(dtDate, "dd-mmm")

Select Case True
Case dtDate >= "01-Nov" And dtDate <= "31-Jan"
GetQuarter = 1
Case dtDate >= "01-Feb" And dtDate <= "30-Apr"
GetQuarter = 2
Case dtDate >= "01-May" And dtDate <= "31-Jul"
GetQuarter = 3
Case dtDate >= "01-Aug" And dtDate <= "31-Oct"
GetQuarter = 4
End Select
End Function

' ||=======================||
' || Email generation code ||
' ||=======================||

Private Sub Email(ByVal docName As String, ByVal pdfName As String)
Dim list As String
Dim attachList As String

Set poSendMail = New clsSendMail

With poSendMail
If GetEmailList(list) Then
.SMTPHost = "localhost"
.Recipient = list ' semi-colon (;) delimited list

Select Case True
attachList = docName
attachList = pdfName
attachList = docName & ";" & pdfName
End Select

.Attachment = attachList
End If

End If
End With
End Sub

Private Function GetEmailList(ByRef list As String) As Boolean
' We'll just bypass this section for now.
' We are going to use a single user for now.
GetEmailList = True

' This code demonstrates how to get the email list from the repository.
' Note the very LARGE query above. (The query is in Oracle syntax,
' but should port since I tried to avoid using Oracle specific SQL)
' Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
' Dim tempString As String
' Dim i As Integer
' With rs
' .ActiveConnection = CONNECTION_STRING
' .CursorLocation = adUseClient
' .LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
' .CursorType = adOpenKeyset
' .Open
' Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
' End With
' rs.MoveFirst
' If Not rs.EOF Then
' For i = 1 To rs.RecordCount
' If i = 1 Then
' list = rs!emailaddress
' Else
' list = list & ";" & rs!emailaddress
' End If
' rs.MoveNext
' Next
' GetEmailList = True
' Else
' GetEmailList = False
' End If
' Set rs = Nothing
End Function

I added this in a module to get it to run:

Option Explicit

Public Sub RefreshReport()
Dim bca As New BCA_RefreshAndEmail_Class

End Sub

Now, when you send to Broadcast Agent, all you need to do is select the macro. All else is handled!


Project idea: Code Library

Ok, it will be three tools in one.
  • A code library

  • A source code to HTML formatter

  • An FTP tool to upload to your favorite web/FTP site.

This will be a VB.NET project and I would like to recognize the following other projects:
fish's Code Library.NET
Lore's Source To HTML Converter